Because the Need Never Ends, PRHeSS Never Stops
Our Purpose
In one of the poorest areas of one of the poorest nations on the planet, PRHeSs has brought healthcare and an agricultural program providing sustainable food resources to people who are in dire need. We offer medical care to all, regardless of the ability to pay for these services.
We are making a big impact in the rural community of Fallay Wujah in Southern Sierra Leone. We believe the best way to help a population is to invest in the well-being and development of its people. We operate a 30 bed hospital serving 10,000 people, we have dug three wells to provide clean drinking water, and we help people learn skills to sustain themselves and stimulate the local economy.
Opportunities of Transformation
After a brutal civil war, the infrastructure and lives of Sierra Leone were devastated. The country has been working to rebuild basic health, education and sanitation services but rural areas have limited access to these improvements. Villages face the additional challenge of unreliable electricity and limited communication systems or internet. Development has been further hindered by the Ebola outbreak of 2014 and an ongoing struggle with malaria in the region.
Preventable tragedies are a daily occurrence here. It is not unusual for a patient to die because there is not enough electricity to power equipment or for fatal conditions to progress because there are no diagnostic tests available. People often walk many hours to get medical help, sometimes carrying loved ones who are unable to walk themselves.
The focus of our fundraising today is to ensure we can pay the staff who work at our hospital and provide the training they need to help patients. Without staff, we can not help anyone in the community. With secure and educated healthcare workers in place, we can begin investing in more equipment and an improved power source.
Our Projects
Partner With Us to Save Lives
We depend on donations to run our hospital and this year we are raising funds to sponsor a full team of medical staff at our hospital. Money raised will pay the salary and training costs for our nurses. Without trained staff we cannot fulfill our purpose of saving lives.
$10 buys essential medical supplies and surgical equipment
$50 sponsors a junior nurse for one month
$145 sponsors a fully qualified nurse for one month